Openvpn -mktun -dev Dolphin0 -dev-type tap -user john -group doe # john:doe will be running the emulatorīrctl addif br0 eth0 # or whatever your network interface isĭolphin supports multiple bridge interfaces so you'll be able to bridge multiple Dolphin instances together on the same system. Install OpenVPN from your distribution package manager, then run the following commands (as root) to create the virtual interface and bridge it to your physical Ethernet adapter: Right click Add a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter and run it as administrator.
Click TAP-Windows and then click Utilities. Install OpenVPN TAP Adapter V9, included in the OpenVPN installer: OpenVPN download page.How to use the BroadBand Adapter With OpenVPN/TunTap Windows Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D.